Our driving scoring algorithms are based on millions of miles of driving captured by our sister company, Axon Telematics, which specializes in building Telematics solutions for Insurance companies across the world, the vast majority of this data relates to European driving of motor vehicles and HGVs and up until today, these algorithms do not perform well with motorcycles particularly high-performance bikes and spirited riding!
There are quite a few of us that have a passion for riding motorcycles of all types (including the boss who has at least 2 bikes!) and we've been annoyed by maps full of harsh event markers (and maybe a speeding event or two...) so we decided to do something about it.
We've been working with a group of highly trained riders in controlled environments and long tours to bring together enough data to bring a motorcycle-specific scoring algorithm to DrivePro. This has been a long project that collected over 100,000 miles of riding over 6 months and we are happy to announce that V1 of the new algorithm is now in use and you should see more appropriate harsh acceleration braking and cornering events that are more in line with the handling characteristics of motorcycles.
To use the new algorithm, just make sure you have set your vehicle Type on the Vehicle Settings page to 'Motorcycle' and the system will do the rest!
Ride safe and let us know what you want us to do next!